Lynn and Mebva Crookston. Lynn is eleven years older than Melva.

Lynn suggested this picture.

Ray Crookston, Lynn Crookston, and Donna Jenkins -- Brothers and sister.
I Like Ray's Scottish look which is where the Crookstons came from.

Brenda and Clark Crookston and Camille Crookston married to Mark.

Miriam and Bob Langford and family.

Sandy Minchew Nye, Mayloni Minchew Jacobs, K'Lar Jacobs, Carole Buchanan, Emily Minchew, Bowen Jacobs, Issac Jacobs. -- Some of Carole's children and grand children.

Byron and Emeline's oldest and youngest of fifty grand children -- twenty nine years age difference. David Harline (retired teacher) and Michael Crookston (Dentist)

The Lynn Crookston girls: Emily, Miriam, Rebecca, Wendy, Elizabeth, Sarah.