I heard that Uncle Ray fell and broke his hip. He had a partial hip replacement, but has suffered a serious infection since the surgery. He is in a recovery facility. The Doctor said he has Dimentia also. He has been in a wheelchair for at least a few years. He is 87 years old now. Perhaps someone in the Ray Crookston clan can tell us more about how he is doing.
David, please remove the security block so all Crookstons can read the blog. Many of them are confused about how to get into it.
This is David, It is removed so all can view the blog. Please e-mail for permission to post at harline1@comcast.net
Thanks for the post Myrah, I have wondered how Ray is doing. Anyone can read the blog now. They will have to ask permission to post. Some of the Crookstons had ask that the blok be kept secure. The blog is used so seldome that I would like to get more people to read it and to post. We will take the security off for now and hope that more people use it. We can put it back on if desired.
What a beautiful Family. That's about half of them isn't it? Thanks for keeping us posted Myra. I am sad to hear that Uncle Ray is doing so poorly. I will keep him and their family in my prayers.
I count nine kids in the picture. If I remember correctly they had 16children.
So David, Do those who view the blog have the ability to make comments also? Has there been any more Crookstons viewing the blog yet?
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