This is the type of wood burning stove that Byron and Emeline had in the corner of their front room. They would light it when they had visitors. The rest of the time they would stay warm by working hard, staying in the kitchen by the wood range, or covering up in bed. This particular stove is in the ranch house on Antelope island. Byron and Emeline did have a furnace in later years, after they dug their basement out by hand.

Grandma Crookston used a Maytag washer like this. She used it to clean her clothes as long as I remember. Her washer, like this one,was the first one I got my hand stuck in the wringer at five years old as I was "helping" her wring the wash. She was still using it when I went to graduate school in 1970 -- Mary Jean, Glen and I stayed in her basement. She made her own soap and claimed the homemade soap worked better than that bought in the store. This particular washer is in the ranch house on Antelope island.
Ask Marnita Hill about the nice poster of this type of washer that Marvel made. The poster told of how well it lasted. The family received a nice prize for their work.
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