Saturday, July 12, 2008

images of New Zealand

Here are some images of New Zealand. I have over 2,ooo photos. Mark, Camille, Marnita and I visited Miriam and Bob who are living in Auckland and working for the church. We had a great time in the South Island as well as the North. We hope to see all our Crookston cousins on this blog, so we can all share stories about our families and get to know our clan a bit better. I will post more photos of New Zealand if anyone is interested.


David, MJ said...

Nice pictures -- they make me home sick.

E-mail some relatives and ask them to sign up, take a look, comment, and post.

Please send me their e-mail address so I can send them an invitation:

my-Rah said...

Have you sent an invitation to: She would love to sign up.

David, MJ said...

Miriam was just sent an invitation. Thank you Myra.

my-Rah said...

Please send us an invite to this site. Clark and Brenda Crookston at Thanks

Marnita says, Thanks for setting up this site.